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Last updated October 7, 2024


How to view all tasks?

Video 1: Viewing Organization and Asset-Specific Tasks

The Tasks allow you to access all your tasks in one place. Tasks can be created in Maps, Plans, Project Management, and Files. Navigate to the Tasks feature to view all your tasks.


Figure 17: Tasks Feature

How to create tasks?

You can use pre-existing templates or start from scratch to create a task that meets your needs. The task feature is available within Maps, Plans, Project Management, and Files. Manager and higher permissions allow modification of task details.


Figure 18: New Task


Figure 19: Advanced Options

Creating a Task on the Map

Click on 'Create task' and select the location on the map where you want to add the task. Then click 'Confirm' to confirm the addition.


Figure 20: Create Task on the Map


Figure 21: Placing task on a component

How to add subtasks?

Subtask can be defined as a smaller task that is part of a larger task. Breaking down a larger task into smaller subtasks can help in better organization, planning, and execution. Subtasks can also help track progress and identify potential obstacles or challenges. By dividing a task into subtasks, it becomes easier to manage and complete the overall task efficiently.

To add a sub-task, enter a task and click on 'Add Subtasks'


Figure 22: Subtasks

When breaking down a larger task into smaller subtasks, each subtask can include all the necessary functionality, such as checklists, attachments, etc. Additionally, assigning specific individuals to each subtask can help ensure the efficient completion of the task.


Figure 23: Subtask Details

If you have a task with a subtask, you can quickly identify it in the Task list view under the tasks feature.


Figure 24: Subtasks in Tasks List View

How to Add Dependencies?

It is essential to define task dependencies to ensure that everything gets done in the correct order. Task dependencies refer to the relationships between different tasks, where one task must be completed before another can begin, close or continue. This helps to prevent any delays or confusion that might arise if tasks are not completed in the correct sequence. 

There are three types of dependencies: "Waiting On" for tasks that need to be completed before working on the current task, "Blocking" for tasks that are blocked until the current task is completed, and "Linked Tasks" for tasks that are related but not dependent on the current task.

There are multiple ways to add dependencies to an existing task. Method 1 is to open a task and click on 'Add Dependencies'


Figure 25: Dependecies

How to use categories?

Categories allow you to organize your tasks and forms into groups, making it easier to navigate, sort, find, and retrieve what you need quickly. You can also create a hierarchy of parent and child categories to improve the structure.

To add a new category, type the name into the designated text box and press the enter key. This will automatically add the category to the dropdown menu for easy selection in the future.


Figure 26: Category in a task

Categories can also be added in the Account Settings or an Asset for Asset-specific categories.


Figure 27: Account Settings >> Categories


Figure 28: Asset-Specific Categories

How to schedule tasks?

A task schedule is a plan listing activities or tasks with their frequency (daily, weekly, monthly, or annually) and repeat options. You can set the frequency to repeat forever, for a set number of times, or until a specific date.


Figure 29: Update Schedule

Schedule Frequencies

1) Daily


2) Weekly


3) Monthly


4) Annually


 Figure 30: Schedules

How to use the conversations or comment feature in tasks?

Conversation is the exchange of information, ideas, or thoughts between two or more individuals through written communication. Using comments, you can share attachments and tag any organization user.

1) Comments on tasks.- Contextual chat with any organization user or users within the tasks. Use '@' to tag any user in the chat, and the tagged user becomes a task watcher.


2) View all task conversations under 'Conversations'


Figure 31: Watchers and Conversation


Task watchers can view the progress and details of tasks, but they cannot make any changes or modifications to them.

How to Add Geofencing?

Geofencing uses GPS to create a virtual boundary around a task's geographic area. The assignee of a particular task can update or close it when a device or person enters the designated area.

1) Click on 'Add Geofencing'


2) Enter the distance in meters


Figure 32: Geofencing

How to save a task as a template?

If you have a task that you need to do regularly, saving it as a template can be helpful so that you don't have to start from scratch every time. To do this, create the task normally, then save it as a template. The next time you need to add a task, you can load the template and modify it as necessary. This can save you time and effort in the long run!

1) To reuse the task information, click 'Save as template' and then select either 'Everything' or 'Custom' to select specific items to save in the template.


2) Choose 'Custom' for specific items in the template or 'Everything' to include all items.


Figure 33: Save as template

How to load from a task template?

You have two options for incorporating a template into your task: You can choose the template during the task creation process or load the template after the task has already been created. This allows for flexibility in your workflow and the ability to incorporate pre-existing templates into your tasks easily.

Creating tasks with templates


Figure 34: Creating a new task from a template

Load from template

1) To load a template, click on 'Load from template' and then select 'Everything' or 'Custom' to choose specific items you want to load from the template.


2) Choose 'Custom' for specific items in the template or 'Everything' to include all items.


Figure 35: Load from template

How to generate reports and print?

CSV Export

To generate CSV reports from the Tasks feature, you can use filters to shortlist the tasks or choose to download all tasks or selected tasks. Below are the steps

1) To export all tasks, click on the checkbox to select all tasks and click 'Actions >> Export' 


2) To shortlist the tasks, click 'Filters' and set your filter to shortlist the task list. Then click on the checkbox and click 'Actions >> Export'


3) Actions >> Export


Figure 36: CSV Export

PDF Export


An individual task can be extracted to pdf format.

Figure 37: Export as PDF

What is the meaning of the status in tasks and the implication of visibility on the map?

Task status refers to the current state or progress of a particular task or project. It can be described as 'Pending, In Progress, Resolved, Closed, or Rejected'. By defining task status, you can easily track and manage progress, identify potential roadblocks, and make informed decisions to keep the project on track.


Figure 38: Task Status

The colour coding of the task status is especially helpful in determining the progress of each task. This allows for a quick and easy glance to see where everything stands.


Figure 39: Tasks on the Map view

What are assignees, and what are watchers in tasks?

Assignees are individuals who are responsible for completing specific tasks or projects. They are typically designated by a manager, supervisor or team leader and are held accountable for completing their assigned tasks. Assignees may be individual users or teams.

Task watchers will be able to view the progress and details of tasks, but they will not be able to make any changes or modifications. Task watchers can be individual users or teams.

1) Assigning individual users or teams as assignees.


2) Assigning teams as assignees. For teams, scroll to the bottom of the list to find teams.


3) Task watchers


Figure 40: Task assignees and watchers


NOTE: Users tagged in Comments will automatically be part of the watches list.

How to sort tasks in the list view?

Tasks can be sorted in the list view by clicking the table header. The table itself is customizable to add or remove the columns.


Figure 41: Add or remove columns in the tasks table


Figure 42: Category-wise sorting

In the above example, the tasks are sorted by categories.

How to create and manage task templates?

Task templates simplify creating and assigning repetitive activities. Once a template is created, it can be shared at the organization level to make it accessible to multiple projects or limited to a specific project. You can accelerate task creation by reusing the right template. 


Figure 43: Task Template


Figure 44: Checklist Template

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